Therapeutic Riding

Mary teaches children and adults on their own horses to develop riding skills so they can compete in RDA, Special Olympic, Para-Equestrian and able-bodied competition.

She works with riders and their coaches to develop individual progressive programs. She looks at the potential of every person and uses the horse to help their general development and riding skills.

RDA and Therapeutic Centres

Mary visits Centres in Australia and abroad. She works with their coaches, volunteers, therapists and riders. She helps them to develop and maintain fun, effective and progressive programs. 

She is passionate about the initial and on-going training of quality horses and ponies. Riders should have the opportunity to progress without being restricted by unsuitable mounts.

Mary’s Philosophy 'Everyone who wants to ride well, can - but only if they know where they want to go'

Longden Corporation Pty Ltd
International +61 417 545 833
PO Box 1278, Warragul VIC 3818